Glasgow’s multi-functional Mikveh.
To access our Mikveh – please contact our Shul Office.
The only Mikveh in Glasgow is found at our shul. Open for ladies, men and keilim.
There is a men’s and ladies Mikveh situated in the Shul complex, the only other Mikveh (ladies) in Scotland is in Edinburgh.
The Mikveh is built and managed in accordance with Orthodox Judaism.
The men’s Mikveh is open every morning and all of Erev Shabbat for access please contact Rabbi Rubin on 0141 577 8251.
The ladies Mikveh is open by appointment only, preferable 3 days in advance. To book an appointment please contact our office.
Ladies, if you wish to make an appointment you should contact Rebbetzin Rubin on 07932 835337
Fee for use: £20 (women), £4.50 (men).